0.1.1 Patch Notes

What’s New

•    Title logo on start screen.

•    App icon.

•    Control tutorials for jumping, swinging, and lassoing.


•    Name changed from “Harmonicord Hollow” to “Harmonicord.”

•    Mandolin-playing minigame simplified and progression mechanic added.

•    Lasso thrown on button press instead of release.

•    Objects slide less when landing after being thrown.

•    Tasks menu now opened using Back button on controller instead of Y button.

•    Colliding with object while swinging no longer makes Player drop from lasso.

•    Removed non-working features from final area of game world.

Bug Fixes

•    Added respawn checkpoints to prevent soft locks from player respawning in invalid locations.

•    Lasso no longer passes through objects or targets non-lasso-able objects.

•    Pressure Buttons correctly display weight status when objects collide with them.

•    Player correctly grabs onto swing points when using controller.

•    Correct button prompt displayed for jumping out of swing when using controller.

•    Correct objects targeted by the lasso when using mouse.


Harmonicord 0.1.1 51 MB
30 days ago

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